From: Chairman, William Dobson, Jr.
To: Members of Fire Protection District #4 and Department of Mandeville Fire/EMS
Subj: Accomplishments
Dear Members:
Our Class 1 Fire Insurance Rating and International Accreditation are individually high achievements. Together, they anchor this District and Department as a benchmark in the Fire and Life Safety Services.
Our other evolutions include soon breaking ground and building of two additional fire stations. One station near Lakeview Regional Medical Center and the other on Louisiana Highway 1088 near Interstate 10. On May 20, 2022, recruit firefighters will graduate from our model Training Academy and enter our esteemed services. Beyond that, we anticipate auditors will issue a clean audit for 2021. This means our District and Department have consecutively attained the highest standards in governmental accountability.
The forgoing accomplishments are products of your commitment, diligence, and perseverance. Further, they reflect the honor and professionalism necessary to provide quality Fire and Life Safety Services.
It is my privilege to serve the Board as Chairman for another term. On behalf of the Board and Fire and EMS Leadership, it is our collective honor to support you, the finest members, in the superior delivery of Fire and Life Safety Services to this District’s constituency.
With best regards, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Wm. H. Dobson, LPI
Chairman, Board of Commissioners
St. Tammany Parish Fire District #4