Strategic Initiatives, Goals, & Objectives

The strategic initiatives, goals, and objectives developed by the Department Stakeholders Group form the strategic plan which directs the Mandeville Fire / EMS on our mission. The Strategic Plan provides direction to enhance strengths, address identified weaknesses, provide a clear direction and address the concerns of the community.


The Mandeville Fire / EMS 2019 – 2024 Strategic Plan has become the focus of the department’s efforts as it directs our organization to its desired future while reducing potential obstacles and distractions along the way. Department Stakeholder Workgroups with supervisory leadership will continue to meet and manage progress toward accomplishing these goals and objectives. The groups may adjust their timelines as needed based upon environmental changes and are responsible for reporting on their progress to MFE’s leadership.


Strategic Initiative 1
External Communications
Goal 1 Develop and maintain a transparent and consistent method of mutual communication with our community for excellence in public service.
Objective 1A Identify current methods and recipients of external communications used by the department.
Objective 1B Determine the effectiveness of current external communications methods and their inadequacies.
Objective 1C Research and design an effective practice for external communication to our community.
Objective 1D Notify fire department personnel of the proposed practices for communication and implement the new communication practices throughout our community.
Objective 1E Evaluate implemented practices and revise annually or as needed.


Strategic Initiative 2
Internal Communications
Goal 2 Improve and maintain a clear, consistent, effective, and efficient method for internal communication to better meet the department’s mission.
Objective 2A Determine the current methods of internal communications used by the MFE.
Objective 2B Prioritize messages and determine which method of internal communication should be used.
Objective 2C Design a system to disperse full messages and to mitigate misinformation within MFE.
Objective 2D Provide training on the newly developed internal communication system for all divisions to ensure proficiency.
Objective 2E Implement the new internal communication system.
Objective 2F Evaluate and revise the new internal communication system to ensure the department’s goals are being met


Strategic Initiative 3
Goal 3 Adequately staff Mandeville Fire / EMS utilizing the available resources to fulfill the department’s mission.
Objective 3A Identify all current staffing positions and conduct a needs analysis to determine future needs.
Objective 3B Determine a five-year plan with benchmarks for department staffing.
Objective 3C Assess and develop a retention program for the department.
Objective 3D Assess and develop a recruitment program for the department.
Objective 3E Prepare a staffing plan for the department to meet its mission.
Objective 3F Implement the proposed comprehensive staffing plan (staffing, retention, and recruitment), along with relevant costs, to meet the projected department and community needs.
Objective 3G Assess and re-evaluate the implemented plan, include the specific components, to ensure effectiveness.


Strategic Initiative 4
Professional Development
Goal 4 Develop, implement, and uphold a concise professional development model by establishing benchmarks that will meet the needs of Mandeville Fire / EMS and the community we serve.
Objective 4A Identify the current professional development model used by the department.
Objective 4B Conduct a needs analysis to meet the current needs of the department and the community.
Objective 4C Update the professional development model according to the results of needs and analysis, as directed.
Objective 4D Establish a new mentoring program for the department.
Objective 4E Implement the new professional development model within the department.
Objective 4F Uphold the professional development model


Strategic Initiative 5
Goal 5 Ensure the Mandeville Fire / EMS maintains appropriate information systems that meet the current and future needs of the department.
Objective 5A Identify and evaluate current systems that support our current day-to-day operations.
Objective 5B Identify external options that have the potential to improve upon the department’s current systems.
Objective 5C Develop a technology plan that exceeds the department’s current needs to ensure a better tomorrow.
Objective 5D Review the available budget and research available alternative funding if needed.
Objective 5E Create and send the plan to the department administration for consideration and purchase.
Objective 5F Train and implement the improved information systems as approved.


Strategic Initiative 6
Physical Resources
Goal 6 Develop and maintain a comprehensive ration plan for apparatus and equipment, as well as facility development and renovations to meet the needs of the community.
Objective 6A Identify and review current documents associated with procurement, rotation, and maintenance of apparatus and equipment.
Objective 6B Identify the physical conditions status of stations and facilities and the processes used to maintain them.
Objective 6C Create a design, procurement, and maintenance program for the department’s physical resources.
Objective 6D Institutionalize the newly designed program into the organization’s management system.
Objective 6E Determine and create an evaluation system to comprehensively assess the department’s physical resources.